
Minecraft End Portal:

In the game of Minecraft, the End Portal is a unique and remarkable structure that is generated naturally within the game’s universe. It serves as a gateway to the mystical and enigmatic realm known as the End, which is an entirely separate dimension within the game. The End Portal can only be located within the portal room of a stronghold, which is a type of dungeon-like structure found deep beneath the ground. These strongholds can be quite challenging to locate, but the reward of discovering an End Portal within one is well worth the effort.

When players enter the portal, they are transported to the End, a bizarre and eerie realm filled with danger and wonder. The End is characterized by its eerie, otherworldly atmosphere, featuring floating islands, strange structures, and a menacing dragon boss that must be defeated in order to complete the game’s main storyline. The End Portal is, therefore, a crucial part of Minecraft‘s gameplay, and discovering one is a significant achievement for any player.

In terms of its appearance, the End Portal consists of a circular frame made up of twelve End Portal Blocks, arranged in a specific pattern. Once the portal is complete, players can activate it by placing an Eye of Ender into each of the twelve blocks, which will cause the portal to activate and transport the player to the End. Overall, the End Portal is an essential and fascinating feature of Minecraft‘s gameplay, adding depth and excitement to the game’s already-rich universe.

Minecraft End Portal


Minecraft End Portal Creation:

When playing Minecraft‘s Survival mode, activating an End Portal requires the player to embark on a journey to find a stronghold, as the End Portal Frame blocks cannot be obtained naturally. Once the stronghold is found, players must place an Eye of Ender in each of the End Portal Frame blocks, which will activate the portal and generate nine End Portal Blocks within the structure. It is important to note that once an Eye of Ender is placed in an End Portal Frame, it cannot be removed.

However, in Creative mode, players have the freedom to construct their own End Portal by placing 12 End Portal Blocks in a ring formation that encloses a 3×3 open square, and inserting an Ender Eye into each block. To activate the End Portal, players must ensure that the End Portal Frames are oriented correctly, with the front face of each block facing inward toward the 3×3 portal area. This can be achieved by standing in the center of the portal area and rotating to place the frames in a ring around it.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the End Portal Blocks can exist independently of the End Portal Frame blocks. As such, players can create standalone portals using commands or by breaking the frames themselves. This provides additional flexibility for players who want to experiment with different portal configurations or create new gameplay challenges for themselves.

Overall, whether playing in Survival or Creative mode, the End Portal remains a crucial element of Minecraft‘s gameplay and lore, offering players a unique and otherworldly experience within the game’s expansive universe.



In Minecraft, an End Portal can be found in the portal room of a stronghold, suspended horizontally over a pool of deadly lava, with a staircase leading up to the portal. Players must navigate past a Silverfish Spawner that sits in the stairs to reach the portal itself.

Interestingly, the chances of finding all 12 End Portal Frames containing an Eye of Ender on the first generation are incredibly low, at a staggering 1 in 1 trillion. This is because each individual frame block has a 10% chance of containing an Eye of Ender, determined by the world seed.

Minecraft End Portal Silverfish Spawner

The probability of each End Portal Frame generating with a certain number of Eyes of Ender is also worth noting. According to game data, the frame is most likely to generate with only one Eye of Ender (at a probability of 37.7%), while the probability drops to 28.2% for zero Eyes, 23.0% for two Eyes, 8.52% for three Eyes, and 0.433% for five or more Eyes.

With the vast number of possible world seeds available in Minecraft‘s Java Edition, more than 8 million seeds are known to generate portals with all 12 End Portal Frames containing Eyes of Ender. This means that while it may be incredibly rare to find such a portal on the first generation, players can still increase their chances of discovering one by exploring multiple worlds with different seeds.

Overall, the End Portal in Minecraft remains a unique and exciting feature of the game, providing players with a thrilling challenge to uncover and a gateway to the mysterious End dimension.