Mass Effect 2

How to Use Medigel Mass Effect 2 like a Pro:

Medigel is an essential item in Mass Effect 2 that allows players to revive fallen squad members and heal injuries. As a consumable item, Medigel can mean the difference between success and failure in the game’s most challenging encounters. In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive overview of how to use Medigel in Mass Effect 2 effectively. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned player, understanding how to use Medigel is crucial for your success. In the following sections, we will cover everything you need to know, including tips and tricks for using Medigel, how to get more of it, and how it works in the Legendary Edition. Let’s get started!


What is Medigel?

Medigel is a consumable item in Mass Effect 2 that can be used to revive fallen squad members and heal injuries. It works by releasing a burst of medi-nanites into the user’s body, repairing damaged tissue and stabilizing vital signs. Medigel can be used in a variety of situations, such as when a squad member is knocked out in combat or when the player character, Commander Shepard, is injured.

How to Use Medigel Mass Effect 2 like a Pro

In addition to reviving fallen squad members and healing injuries, Medigel can also be used to quickly restore health during combat. This can be especially useful when facing tough enemies or when the player’s health is low and there are no other healing options available.

However, there are limitations to the use of Medigel. It has a finite supply and can only be replenished by finding more or purchasing it from vendors. Additionally, Medigel cannot be used to revive Shepard, the main character of the game. In this case, the player will need to rely on other team members or restart the mission from the last checkpoint.

Limitations of Medigel:

Medigel is a valuable resource in the Mass Effect series, providing quick and effective healing to injured characters. However, there are limitations to its use that players should be aware of.

Finite Supply:

One of the biggest limitations of Medigel is its finite supply. While it can be found throughout the game world, there is only a limited amount available. Once it runs out, the player will need to find more or purchase it from vendors. This can be a challenge, particularly in more difficult parts of the game where injuries are more frequent.

Inability to Revive Shepard:

Another limitation of Medigel is that it cannot be used to revive Shepard, the main character of the game. While it can be used to revive other team members, if Shepard falls in battle, Medigel will not be able to bring them back. Instead, the player will need to rely on other team members to complete the mission or restart the mission from the last checkpoint. This can be frustrating for players who have invested a lot of time and effort into their character, but it also adds to the challenge and tension of the game.


How to Use Medigel in Mass Effect 2:

Using Medigel in Mass Effect 2 is a simple process, but it’s important to know how to access and use it effectively in order to get the most out of this valuable resource. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Access the Medigel menu: There are two ways to access the Medigel menu in Mass Effect 2. One is through the game’s HUD by pressing the corresponding button (Y on Xbox, Triangle on Playstation) while playing. Alternatively, you can access the menu through the pause menu by pressing the Start button.
  2. Select the squad member you want to revive or heal: Once the Medigel menu is open, you will see a list of your squad members. Select the one you want to revive or heal by highlighting their name and pressing the corresponding button (A on Xbox, X on Playstation).
  3. Use Medigel: With the squad member selected, press the corresponding button (LB on Xbox, L1 on Playstation) to use Medigel. This will revive the fallen squad member or heal their injuries.

It’s important to note that Medigel can also be used during combat situations to quickly restore health. To do this, simply access the Medigel menu and select your character’s name instead of a squad member’s. Then, press the corresponding button to use Medigel and restore your health.

When using Medigel in combat, it’s best to do so strategically. Try to use it when you’re in cover or when there’s a break in the action to avoid wasting it. Additionally, it’s a good idea to prioritize reviving squad members over healing yourself since they can help you in battle.


How to Get More Medigel in Mass Effect 2:

Medigel is a valuable resource in Mass Effect 2, and it’s important to have a steady supply in order to succeed in the game. Here are some ways to obtain more Medigel:

  1. Scavenge and explore: Medigel can be found in loot throughout the game, so it’s important to thoroughly explore each area and scavenge everything you can. Keep an eye out for containers, lockers, and other objects that may contain Medigel.
  2. Purchase from merchants: Medigel can also be purchased from various merchants throughout the game, including the C-Sec Requisitions Officer and the Sirta Foundation store. When buying Medigel, try to save money by haggling with the merchant or using your Charm or Intimidate skills to persuade them to lower the price.
  3. Upgrade your Medigel capacity: As you progress through the game, you can upgrade your Medigel capacity by purchasing upgrades from merchants or by finding them in loot. This will allow you to carry more Medigel and reduce the need to constantly replenish your supply.
  4. Complete missions and assignments: Some missions and assignments in Mass Effect 2 reward the player with Medigel, so be sure to complete as many as possible to earn more of this valuable resource.

Overall, it’s important to be vigilant and proactive when it comes to obtaining Medigel in Mass Effect 2. Scavenging, exploring, and completing missions will all contribute to building up your supply of Medigel and increasing your chances of success in the game.


How to Use Medigel in Mass Effect 1:

While Medigel is most commonly associated with Mass Effect 2, it also appears in the first game of the series. Here’s what you need to know about using Medigel in Mass Effect 1:

  1. How it works: Medigel functions similarly in Mass Effect 1 and 2, in that it allows you to revive fallen squad members and heal injuries. However, in Mass Effect 1, Medigel also acts as a universal cooldown reset, allowing you to instantly reset all of your squad members’ abilities.
  2. How to use it: To use Medigel in Mass Effect 1, open the squad menu and select the squad member you wish to revive or heal. Then, click on the Medigel icon to use it on that squad member. It’s important to note that Medigel has a limited supply in Mass Effect 1, so use it wisely.
  3. Other uses: In addition to reviving squad members and healing injuries, Medigel can also be used to bypass certain obstacles or challenges in the game. For example, if your squad is trapped in a room with no apparent way out, using Medigel on the door controls may allow you to escape.

Overall, while Medigel works slightly differently in Mass Effect 1 than it does in Mass Effect 2, the basic principles remain the same. Be sure to use it strategically and keep a close eye on your supply to ensure that you always have enough when you need it most.


How to Use Medigel in Mass Effect Legendary Edition:

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a remastered version of the original Mass Effect trilogy, including updated graphics and gameplay. Here’s what you need to know about using Medigel in the Legendary Edition:

  1. How it works: Medigel works the same way in Mass Effect Legendary Edition as it does in the original games. It allows you to revive fallen squad members and heal injuries.
  2. How to use it: To use Medigel in the Legendary Edition, open the squad menu and select the squad member you wish to revive or heal. Then, select the Medigel icon to use it on that squad member.
  3. Differences: There are some minor differences in how Medigel works in the Legendary Edition compared to the original games. For example, in Mass Effect 1, Medigel can no longer be used to instantly reset all squad members’ abilities. Additionally, in Mass Effect 2 and 3, Medigel now has a shared cooldown, meaning you can’t use it multiple times in quick succession.

How to Use Medigel in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Overall, using Medigel in the Legendary Edition should be familiar to anyone who has played the original games. However, be sure to read any in-game tutorials or tips to understand any differences in how Medigel functions in the remastered version.


How to Use Medigel on PC in Mass Effect 2:

If you’re playing Mass Effect 2 on PC, using Medigel is similar to using it on consoles. Here’s what you need to know:

Accessing the Medigel menu: To access the Medigel menu on PC, press the “Q” key to bring up the power wheel. Then, use the arrow keys to select the Medigel option and press the space bar to activate it.

Selecting a squad member: Once you’ve activated the Medigel menu, use the arrow keys to select the squad member you wish to revive or heal.

Differences: One key difference in using Medigel on PC compared to consoles is the method for accessing the Medigel menu. On consoles, you can access the menu via the HUD or pause menu, while on PC, you must use the power wheel. Additionally, you can assign a hotkey for Medigel in the PC version, allowing for quicker access.

Overall, using Medigel on PC in Mass Effect 2 is straightforward. Just remember to use the power wheel to access the Medigel menu and select the appropriate squad member to revive or heal.


How to Use Medigel on PS4 in Mass Effect 2:

If you’re playing Mass Effect 2 on PS4, using Medigel is similar to using it on other consoles. Here’s what you need to know:

Accessing the Medigel menu: To access the Medigel menu on PS4, press the touchpad to bring up the power wheel. Then, use the analog stick to select the Medigel option and press the X button to activate it.

Selecting a squad member: Once you’ve activated the Medigel menu, use the analog stick to select the squad member you wish to revive or heal.

Differences: One key difference in using Medigel on PS4 compared to other consoles is the method for accessing the Medigel menu. On PS4, you access the menu via the touchpad and power wheel, while on Xbox and other consoles, you can access it via the HUD or pause menu.

Overall, using Medigel on PS4 in Mass Effect 2 is simple. Just remember to use the touchpad and power wheel to access the Medigel menu and select the appropriate squad member to revive or heal.


Tips and Tricks for Using Medigel in Mass Effect 2:

Additionally, here are a few more tips and tricks for using Medigel in Mass Effect 2:

  1. Prioritize reviving your squad members based on their skills and importance to the mission.
  2. Use cover and tactical positioning to avoid taking too much damage and minimize the need for Medigel.
  3. Keep an eye out for enemies carrying Medigel and prioritize taking them out to acquire more.
  4. In tougher fights, consider using other consumable items like shields or ammo to reduce the need for Medigel.
  5. If you find yourself running low on Medigel, try exploring side missions and planet surfaces for loot that may contain additional supplies.

By utilizing these tips and tricks, you can make the most of your Medigel supply and increase your chances of success in Mass Effect 2.