NITE Team 4
Name: NITE Team 4

Publishers: Alice & Smith

Developers: Alice & Smith

Genres: Adventure, Strategy, Simulation, Indie

Platforms: PC, macOS

Released: 2018-10-02

NITE Team 4

NITE Team 4 is a story-driven military hacking simulation game that explores the world of cyberwarfare and features realistic mission scenarios. It will be released on Steam for PC and Mac.
You play as a new recruit in the covert hacking cell, Network Intelligence & Technical Evaluation (NITE) Team 4. Engaged in cyberwarfare with black hat groups and hostile states, you will be in a struggle to penetrate highly secure targets. Your job is to use the STINGER hacking system to infiltrate hardened computer networks and coordinate strike teams on the ground to carry out missions that feature real espionage tradecraft terminology taken straight from leaked NSA documents.

In NITE Team 4, players will have access to a virtual hacking platform based off real systems (Kali Linux / Metasploit). Each mission is broken down into distinct phases including Recon, Exploitation and Raid.
In the Recon Phase, players will be performing research and investigative tasks to learn all they can using actual espionage tradecraft. Utilize reconnaissance tools to map networks, fingerprint systems and gather intelligence that will help you uncover possible weaknesses in the target organization.
After gaining a thorough understanding of the enemy, players will move to the Exploitation Phase where they will use hacking modules to exploit and gain a secure foothold into the target. Customize your attack strategy by leveraging all the offensive system tools at your disposal.
Finally, the Raid Phase begins where players will work with military teams on the ground to provide specialized support and direct units to effectively compromise an entire facility/organization using highly advanced cyberwarfare equipment. Ensure your team is well equipped to defeat threats on the ground, facility security controls and network defenses.
HACKING SUITE - The STINGER hacking platform is inspired by actual platforms like Kali Linux. It allows players to control sophisticated modules and use custom intrusion tools to deliver an authentic hacking experience.
IN THE FIELD - Direct troops in the field to carry out hacking operations like covertly implanting devices with eavesdropping equipment and sabotaging targets.
RICH STORY - Mission objectives and descriptions feature real world NSA intel analyst terminology, taken straight from leaked NSA documents in the Snowden archive and inspiration from actual cyberthreats.
ALTERNATE REALITY WAR GAMES - From Advanced Persistent Threats to covert malware projects that destroy critical infrastructure, NITE Team 4 is inspired by the real world of cyberwarfare and includes optional Alternate Reality Game elements that enhance the immersion of the universe.

NITE Team 4 System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements for PC

  • OS: WIndows X
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1280x720 or higher
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

Minimum System Requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X El Capitan‎
  • Graphics: 1280x720 or higher
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

Recommended System Requirements:

Recommended System Requirements for PC

  • OS: Windowx X
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1280x720 or higher
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

Recommended System Requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X El Capitan‎
  • Graphics: 1280x720 or higher
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

NITE Team 4 Screenshots:

NITE Team 4
NITE Team 4
NITE Team 4
NITE Team 4
NITE Team 4

NITE Team 4 Trailers:
