Name: Alganon

Publishers: 3000AD

Developers: Quest Online

Genres: Action, RPG, Massively Multiplayer, Indie

Platforms: PC

Released: 2015-05-19


Alganon is an old school fantasy MMORPG in which gamers play together in a large world featuring a rich history dominated by commanding deities, powerful weapons & armor, deadly magic, epic quests, ancient places to discover, cities & lands to conquer, the utilization of detailed trade skills, and more.

The world of Alganon has a rich multi-cultural background and history that spans thousands of years. Grand cities, dark ruins deep in the most dangerous parts of the world - it all ties together in some fashion, and all of it has a purpose, a history, or a legend. Some of this history is been documented in the library, but much of it must be discovered.

Alganon features a customizable User Interface. Players can place components where they feel most comfortable, size, scale and hide controls as they please. All settings are saved and retained between sessions for easy interface management.RACES
When entering the magical world of Alganon, players will immediately be confronted with a choice: Play as a Human Asharr (an imperialistic race vying to conquer the world through strength, intelligence and diplomacy), a Talrok Kujix (a primal race of powerful warriors and magic users bent on world domination through destruction and conquest), or one of the Ourobani (a follower of the dead deity Ouroban who are building their empire by any means necessary).

Talroks begin their quest on the continent of Harraja and as each character progresses a rich story will unfold explaining how the Talrok race was created by the god Xukiss to be his servants and to spread his influence throughout the lands of Alganon.

Humans live in and control the lands of Ardonya across the Great Sea. Created by Argon to serve a like purpose as the Talrok, the Asharr are to spread Argon's influence throughout the lands of Alganon.

The Ourobani begin their ascension to power on the island of Aeon. By exploiting the hatred shared by the Asharr and Kujix for each other, the Ourobi have begun their rise to power and will continue until they have claimed their rightful place in Alganon.

All three continents have all types of terrain encompassing forests, fields, plains, deserts, mountains, jungles, swamps, and tundras.

Each race has 4 different player classes to choose from:

  • Soldier (Asharr Champion / Kujix Reaver / Ourobani Titan) - A warrior class with minor magical powers
  • Magus - A powerful sorcerer class, specializing in fire, frost and electricity
  • Healer (Asharr Mystic / Kujix Cabalist / Ourobani Spellbinder) - A magician focusing on mind and body, equally adept at healing and destruction
  • Ranger - A naturalist well versed in weapons and magic. Can fulfill any role in a group.

As characters progress they will further specialize their character through abilities, studies, and equipment. Each character in Alganon can be customized to suit the way the player desires, and no two characters are alike.

As characters progress they will further specialize their character through abilities, studies, and equipment. Each character in Alganon can be customized to suit the way the player desires, and no two characters are alike.QUESTS
Each faction has a full array of quests and adventures to advance characters through the levels in a fun and logical progression. Players can adventure alone or group with friends and allies. By the time your character reaches level 50, you'll have seen much of the world and understand the rich mythology and lore in the world of Alganon.

There are numerous instances scattered throughout the lands of Alganon. As players level their characters they will be able to adventure inside this instanced content with groups of friends, and get a chance at some great loot and plenty of gold. Once a player reaches level 50 each of these instances can be revisited in a difficult mode (called Test of Faith), with a chance to win epic loot and other great rewards!PVP
Alganon has a fully immersive world PvP system at its roots. The Kujix and the Asharr are locked in a constant struggle for world domination. Throughout the world are scattered a system of defenses, namely Towers and Keeps, which when controlled by one faction provide benefits to all the faction's players in the zone. Once a single faction controls all the Keeps in the world they may attack the opposing capitol city, and attempt to kill the leader for epic rewards.

Once the leader of a faction is defeated, the Ourobani will ally themselves with the losing side so that they can help oppress the stronger faction and keep them from gaining too much power before the Ourobi claim their position as the dominant faction of Alganon. The Ourobani will continue to ally themselves with the losing faction whenever the leader of the Asharr or Kujix is defeated.STUDY SYSTEM
The study system is a unique feature in Alganon which allows characters to progress while the player is offline (online too!). Simply place a study in a character's "study queue" and when the appropriate amount of time has passed, the character will complete the study and receive its benefit!

The study system has 2 main components: PvE studies, and PvP studies. PvE studies yield benefits that are generally useful for a character to have while adventuring in the world. For example "increased damage while using daggers" may be a particular study benefit. While every character starts with a basic set of studies they can choose to place in queue and complete, there are hundreds of additional studies available for purchase with game gold.

The PvP Study System is a richly designed system of customization for players who enjoy participating in PvP combat. This system will allow you to specialize your character for the way you like to PvP. Players can choose specializations in Siege Weaponry, Keep Defense, Tower Defense, Character Improvement, Keep Assault, and Tower Assault. Deeper levels of studies require advanced levels of prerequisite studies, assuring that players who attain the deepest level of any study tree will have a very valuable, very unique skill in PvP.

The economy consists of a robust system to encourage player trading of items and equipment, and to provide gold making opportunities for all characters. In addition to vendors located in all the hubs of activity players can learn and use Tradeskills to gather and craft items, use the Auction House to sell their wares, and request materials or items through our Requisition House.TRADE SKILLS
Tradeskills consist of three general areas. Players may only choose 2 trade skills per character (in addition to novice crafting); but each character can pick any 2 desired skills.

  • NOVICE CRAFTING: Every player is a novice crafter, and this tradeskill comes at no cost and doesn't count as a "learned tradeskill". Novice crafters can make bandages, basic potions and salves, and minor crafting components. There are various vendors and trainers throughout the world who will teach you a variety of novice crafting skills.
  • CRAFTING: Crafters are alchemists, blacksmiths, leatherworkers or tailors. Alchemists create potions and items and are mainly interested in herbs as a basis for their work. Blacksmiths use stone, gems, and various metallic ores to make weapons and armor and other items that are crafted with metal. Leatherworkers use animal skins and bone to create armor, ranged weapons and other natural items. Tailors use cloth to create light armor, bags and many other useful items made from cloth.
    The crafting professions in Alganon are intertwined and crafters are encouraged to band together to provide the components that one another require. The Requisition House is also a great way to request crafting component from the general public.
  • GATHERING: Gatherers are herbalists, miners, skinners, or salvagers. These tradeskills gather the resources which are the foundation of all crafted items in Al ganon. Herbalist gather flowers and plants, miners dig for ore and gems, skinner take skins, leather and bones from animals, and salvagers turn one man's junk into another man's treasure by breaking items down into their fundamental components.
    Gathers use items for their own crafting, or sell their surplus on the Auction House. They can also fulfill requests made by other crafters for materials through the Requisition House.
Each major city has a faction auction house where any player may go to sell or purchase items, goods, armor, weapons and equipment. If a player wants to sell an item, they list the item on the auction house, set a minimum price, a buyout price (if so desired), and the amount of time they want the auction to run. Depending on the value of the item and the desired auction time, the auctioneer will collect a small fee from the seller. This is to encourage a fair auction price because if the item does not sell, the Auction House retains the deposit as a fee. If the item sells the Auction House will return the deposit, along with the earnings minus a small sales tax. The auction winner receives their new item immediately via their in-game mail, and the sellers proceeds are mailed within the hour.REQUISITION HOUSE
The Requisition House is similar to the Auction House but works in reverse. A buyer may enter a requisition for purchase, requesting someone provide them with a particular item at a named price. A seller can look at the available requisitions, and if they have a matching item to sell and the price is agreeable, fulfill the requisition and receive the agreed upon amount. The in-game mail system automatically sends the item to the buyer and the payment to the seller.

Tribute is a form of currency in the world of Alganon. Players purchase tribute via the market system (either on the web or in-game) and the purchase is deposited in their account. Tribute is held at the account level, so any character on the player's account is able to use the tribute which has been purchased. More info is on the game's Tribute page.

BOON: A boon is an enhancement that is not tied to an item. You purchase it from the store like an item, but it's immediately applied to a specific character or account. Boons revolve around Studies and Study acceleration. Study acceleration is basically a Study Time Purchase. Players are able to buy one day of study points and allow them to define where those points go.

ITEMS: Many items are in the game, which are available for purchase using Tribute. These items fall into several categories; vanity pets, mounts, potions and elixirs, boxed item-sets, and individual items such as weapons, armor, jewelry, bags, and materials are just a few. Items need to be repaired as they become worn, but it's easy to find a repairer in most villages, towns, and cities.

  • One Time Use Items: One time use items are kept until a player uses them. Once the item has been consumed it's gone and a new one must be purchased should the player wish to use it again. An example of a 1-time use item are potions and elixirs. Tribute potions and elixirs are designed to give the character an advantage over those readily available by crafting. For instance, Elixir of Focus will provide a bonus to the amount of experience a player receives for monster kills and quest turn-ins. There are 3 different types of Focus Elixirs that can be purchased, 5%, 10%, or 15% experience gain. All of them last for a full day.
  • Timed Use Items: Many items have a duration associated with them. Most of these items have either a duration of seven (7) days or thirty (30) days. The item is available to be used as often as the player desires during the entire duration. Once the duration expires the item is not lost, the player will have an option to re-activate the item by paying Maintenance on it. Timed use items include vanity pets, mounts, armor and weapons.
  • Continued Use & Maintenance: When the duration of an item has expired the player has the option of paying maintenance on it to make it available for use again. Items that have expired are easy to find using the Tribute Market Interface either in-game or on our website. Reactivation is easy, just click on the item, make sure you have enough tribute in your bank, and click the "Pay maintenance" button.
  • Permanent Items: Some items are available to purchase for permanent use. Buy these one time and use it forever! Examples of permanent items are some vanity pets and mounts. This will allow players the flexibility to choose how long they anticipate the use of the item in question, and make a buying decision based on this information.
In addition to the use of magic, numerous types of Wagger, Moole, Arvak, Jax and other exotic mounts are available to players to traverse the lands of Alganon. Characters who reach the level cap can purchase flying mounts to traverse the skies of Alganon as well, though flight masters throughout the world can assist all players by allowing them to ride a flying mount along a predetermined path.THE LIBRARY
The Asharr, Kujix and Ourobani capital cities contain a grand library where you can pick up new studies. However, access to the information in the Library is available from anywhere within the game via the User Interface. Through this interface, players can research items, creatures, magic, trade skills, and learn about the history of the world. These libraries serve as the central hub of information for each side.

Additionally the Library can also be accessed from outside the game world through the MyAlganon website.GUILDS
Guilds support is built into Alganon allowing you to create, invite friends, and adventure together. Guilds feature custom news, communication, member management, and addition customization features in game. MyAlganon allows Guilds to stay in contact with fellow members even while you're away from the game world.FAMILIES
Being a part of a family in Alganon is a great way to join with players that share similar interests. For example, power gamers can be together in one family and casual gamers can be in another family. Family names can be displayed and you will have the option to turn them off or on.

Each race has five different families, and each family represents a different "theme" that attracts gamers of a specific category. Instantly communicate with your new family, protect your siblings, and establish your family's name in the history books of Alganon.

Every family has its own chat channel that all family members can freely participate in. This channel is automatically "made active" when you log into the game. You are able to disable/remove the channel, but can rejoin it at any time. You can only join your own family's channel.RISE OF THE OUROBANI EXPANSION DLC

The world of Alganon is a battleground for the gods. The deities of the Kujix embrace change, conflict and knowledge, while the gods of the Asharr represent creation, fire and life. For centuries, the Kujix and Asharr have fought each other for dominance of Alganon, each side trying to outmaneuver each other in what has become known as the War of Conversion. But the balance of power, that has resulted in a stalemate for so long, has been broken.

The Ourobani have changed their secluded and aloof strategy in an effort to bring Ouroban, their god believed lost to the void, back to them. Ouroban is the keeper of secret knowledge about the portal system that used to enable the people of Alganon to travel freely about their world. With this knowledge, Ouroban has the power to transform, or even destroy, Alganon. The Temple and The Spindle, monuments built in Ouroban's name on the volcanic mount Ateis'Tepi, are the key to his secret. But before Ouroban could harness their power, one of his followers revealed what he knew to both the Kujix and Ash arr.

Now, these bitter rivals have made plans to do whatever it takes to rise above the others, including the destruction of Ouroban's followers, the Ourobani, and, if they can, taking their power for themselves!

The world of Alganon has expanded and with this growth comes major change. As the Ourobani stake their claim to the continent of Aeon, the Asharr and Kujix find they have a new threat to contend with. Will they be friend or foe? Perhaps both? Only time will tell, the gods themselves cannot say.

Available separately as paid DLC, the "Rise of the Ourobani" expansion features tons of great new features including:

  • A brand new playable race, the Ourobani
  • A new Warden companion class. A specialist in damage from afar and up close who can shapeshift and use a permanent companion to focus down their enemies
  • A new, unique leveling experience in the new continent of Aeon
  • Flying mounts in Alganon: See the lands as never before as you ride your mount through the skies!
  • Hundreds of new quests and new types of quests

Alganon System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2
  • Processor: Dual Core @ 2.4GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia 6XXX or ATI X800
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compliant

Recommended System Requirements:

Recommended System Requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1
  • Processor: Quad Core @ 3GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia 9 series or higher, ATI 3000HD series or higher
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compliant

Alganon Screenshots:

