Old School RuneScape

OSRS Mining Guide 1-99: P2P & F2P Methods:

Introduction OSRS Mining Guide:

This guide for OSRS Mining will teach you the quickest and most efficient techniques for training. There are several training methods available for Mining that suit different playstyles. Certain methods are AFK and yield profits, while others are demanding and offer no monetary gain.

Under any circumstances, Mining experience rates aren’t particularly high. As with most gathering skills, it necessitates a significant time investment. The general approach is to mine ores and drop them for rapid experience or preserve them to earn a profit at the expense of lower experience gains.


Useful Items:

gold prospector outfit

At the beginning of your Mining journey, you will be able to access the Motherlode Mine. Later in this guide, we will delve into this location in more depth, but it’s crucial to keep something in mind. Although the Motherlode Mine isn’t the fastest way to train, it offers excellent rewards. Even if you don’t intend to use the MLM, it’s recommended to train there alone until you can purchase the valuable rewards.

OSRS Mining Guide 1-99: P2P & F2P Methods

One such reward is the Prospector’s Outfit, which can be obtained for 180 Golden Nuggets and provides a 2.5% mining experience boost when equipped. Additionally, the Gem Bag is a helpful item to have while training at other locations or mining gems, apart from the boosting gear set.


Varrock armor

This Varrock Diaries reward enables you to mine multiple ores at once, earning experience for each ore mined. However, the effectiveness of the armor depends on the task you completed and may only apply to specific ores.

ShieldExtra ore chanceWorks on
Varrock armor 110%All ore to coal
Varrock Armor 210%All ore up to Mithril (including Lovakite)
Varrock armor 310%All ore to Adamant
Varrock armor 410%All ores to Amethyst

It’s essential to note that this armor solely functions with regular ores and provides no chance of duplicating resources from Blast Mining, Motherlode Mine, Gem Rocks, or the Volcanic Mine.

Dragon Pickaxe:

The Dragon Pickaxe, the best pickaxe in the game, requires a Mining level of 61 to wield. It comes with a unique attack that boosts your Mining level by 3. Although it comes at a high cost, it’s a must-have if you plan to reach level 99 in Mining.

Additionally, you can upgrade the Dragon Pickaxe with a Smoldering Stone. However, this requires a Smithing level of 85. Once upgraded, the pickaxe will have a chance to smelt ores automatically after mining them. However, this effect only lasts for 5,000 ores before the pickaxe reverts to its original state.

Mining Gloves:

These gloves provide a slight chance that an ore deposit will not deplete, allowing you to continue mining without having to click the deposit again. There are three variations of the gloves, each with enhanced advantages.

To obtain these gloves, you must buy them from the Mining Guild. While training at the Mining Guild, you will receive unidentified minerals at random intervals, which can be exchanged to purchase all three tiers of gloves.

TypeWorks withNo exhaustion chanceCost
mining glovesSilver, Coal, Gold50%, 40%, 33.33%60 unidentified minerals
Superior mining glovesMithril, Adamantite, Runite25%, 16.66%, 12.5%120 unidentified minerals
Expert mining glovesSilver, Coal, Gold, Mithril, Adamantite, Runite, Amethyst50%, 40%, 33.33%, 25%, 16.66%, 12.5%, 25%240 unidentified minerals


Levels 1-32 Fast

To bypass the early Mining levels, completing certain quests can be beneficial. First, complete Doric’s Quest by pre-purchasing 2 Iron, 4 Copper, and 6 Clay. The quest can be started and completed in one dialogue.

Afterward, complete The Dig Site quest, which has minor skill requirements that may not be feasible for new accounts.

OSRS Mining Guide 1-99: P2P & F2P Methods

By completing these two quests, you can reach Mining level 32 without mining a single ore! This method is available for all account types and has no restrictions on pures or skillers. Compared to traditional training methods, this method takes only around 35 minutes since the necessary skills for The Dig Site are already obtained.


P2P 1-99 method:

Levels 1-15: Copper/Tin Ore

If you are unable to complete the two quests mentioned earlier, your Mining journey will begin with mining copper and tin. These ores have low value and should be dropped for faster experience. A quick way to drop them from your inventory is to shift-click!

You can find copper and tin in the mine south of Lumbridge, close to the fishing area and the swamp.

OSRS copper location OSRS copper card

Levels 15-35/70: Iron Ore

Powermining Iron is an effective training method and can even be used up to level 99 (although it’s not the best method at higher levels). Once your Mining level is high enough, you will mine the ore quickly. To maximize efficiency, it’s best to use a location with three iron rocks adjacent to each other. The easiest accessible location of this kind is east of Ardougne.

OSRS Ardougne Iron Location OSRS Ardougne Iron Map

At level 60 Mining, you can access the Mining Guild, which offers several spots with three iron rocks and a nearby bank for depositing the ores. This can provide decent profit and experience per hour. While training here, you will receive unidentified minerals that can be exchanged for the two available mining gloves at the guild store.

OSRS Mining Guild Iron

Levels 35-70/99: Motherlode Mine

The Motherlode Mine (MLM) provides the most AFK Mining experience available in the game. To access it, head to the cave located south of the main entrance to the Dwarven Mines. Once inside, start mining the reefs in the wall to obtain Pay-dirt.

OSRS Motherlode Mine

When your inventory is full, head to the central area and deposit your Pay-dirt into the Hopper. It will then move towards the Sack on the other side. Once it arrives, loot the bag to receive ores that you can mine. Note that you will not receive Runite ore until you reach level 85 Mining.

OSRS Pay dirt

OSRS Motherlode Mine Rewards

While mining, you may obtain Golden Nuggets that can be used as a currency to purchase various useful mining items from Prospector Percy’s store. When you reach level 72, pay him 100 nuggets to access the top level of the Motherlode Mine, which is often less crowded and closer to the bank and hopper.

Levels 61-99: Gem Mining:

It is highly recommended to have completed the Karamja Hard Diary for this method.

Gems can be mined in the northwest corner of Shilo Village. Instead of obtaining ore, you will receive a random gem from Opal to Diamond. If you wear Karamja Gloves 3 or 4, you can access the ladder next to the gems. There are 48 gems in this area that can be mined, with a bank situated right in the middle.

OSRS Gem Mining

This method can earn you up to 600k profit per hour, depending on gem prices, and provide about 45k-50k Mining experience per hour. While not the fastest method, it offers a great source of income while still being a relaxing training method.

Levels 70-99: 3-Tick Granite:

This method requires some practice to master, but it is undoubtedly the fastest way to reach level 99. Firstly, set up your inventory with one Clean Harralander, one Clean Tarromin, 100+ Swamp Tar, and a pestle and mortar.

With your inventory ready, head to the quarry. The quickest way is to take the flying carpet at Shanty Pass to the Bedabin Camp. Once there, run south past the Bandits and around a small mountain into the quarry.

OSRS Granite Card

OSRS 3tick inventory

The main idea of 3-tick Mining is to use the tar making animation to speed up your actions. When you use the tar on the herb or vice versa, it triggers an animation that can be quickly canceled by clicking elsewhere. It may take some time to understand this concept, and a text guide may not be sufficient.

Levels 70-99: Volcanic Mine:

To access the volcanic mine, you must complete Bone Voyage quest, have 150 Kudos, and obtain five unidentified small fossils from Peter at the museum camp. The mine is dangerous and requires high-level equipment to operate efficiently.

Before training in the volcanic mine, consider your equipment and inventory. You should maximize your Prayer bonus while keeping the experience boost from the Prospector set. Fill about half of your inventory with good food and bring 1 prayer potion. You also need 30 Numulites to participate in each game.

Upon entering the mine, you have 30 seconds before the volcano rumbles. You have 10 minutes to mine and escape as much as possible. All players remaining in the volcano after 10 minutes will die during the eruption. Protect yourself from Range throughout the game as the monsters deal more damage if not.

While the minigame can be played alone, experience per hour increases with more players to help you. Although you can start the minigame at level 50, it’s not recommended to participate until level 70 or higher due to lower experience percentages.

Levels 75-99: Blast Mining

To participate in Blast Mining, you need to have 100% favor in the Lovakengj house.

Players prefer to mine at the Blast Mine starting at level 75 because it offers the chance to receive Runite ore. The unique feature of the Blast Mine is that you can obtain ores 10 levels below their standard requirement. However, if you mine here at a level lower than 75, your hourly profit will decrease significantly.

The Blast Mine is located in the northernmost part of Great Kourend, in the Lovakengj area. You’ll need a chisel, tinderbox, and dynamite to mine here. First, use your chisel to mine the hard rock, then place the dynamite inside and light it with your tinderbox. Move at least 3 tiles away to avoid taking damage.

After the explosion, pick up all the ore on the ground and deposit it into the bag carried by the operator NPC. Collect your new ores once the bag is full. To maximize your efficiency, it’s best to follow a specific path to avoid waiting for respawns and taking damage.

Levels 85-99: Runite Mining

OSRS Runite Ore

While this training method may not be the fastest, it is still one of the most profitable ways to earn money in the game. However, it’s important to note that there is a lot of competition for these rocks, with many bots frequently visiting all Runite rock sites.

Additionally, most Runite rock locations have specific requirements for access or are located in dangerous areas. Below you will find a list of all available locations and their respective requirements.

  • Mining Guild  (60 Mining Requirements)

There are two Runite rocks in the mining guild member area. This is by far the easiest location to get to, but it is often busy.

  • Heroes’ Guild  (completion of  hero’s quest  )

Found at the end of the basement in the Heroes’ Guild, there are two Runite rocks. This location is easily accessible with a Games chain (Burthrope Games Room teleport).

  • Neitiznot  (completion of  the Freminnik Islands  )

There is one Runite rock in the central islands of this area. Cross the two northeast bridges to quickly reach them. Be careful of the trolls in this area, they can do an incredible amount of damage.

  • Fossil Island  (completion of  Bone Voyage  )

Two Runite rocks can be found in the mine just northeast of the central bank on Fossil Island.

  • TzHaar City  (Requires a Fire Cape)

In the southeastern part of Mor Ul Rek you will find a mine with three Runite rocks. This is a great location if you have a Fire Cape as this requirement cuts off a significant portion of the lower level miners.

  • Mourner Dungeon  (completion of  Mourning’s End Part I  )

There is one Runite rock in this area. It’s at the end of the tunnels around the Dark Beasts. You can create a safe place using the rock and wall, but the Dark Beasts will be aggressive towards you.

  • Lava Maze  (Wildness Level 46)

On the north side of the Lava Maze you can find two Runite rocks. This is the only location accessible to F2P accounts.

  • Lava Maze Dungeon  (Wilderness Level 45)

Located in the dungeon around the center of the Lava Maze, there is a unique Runite Rock. This rock is not recommended as there are many high level monsters here and it is quite difficult to escape potential PKers.

  • Ice Shelf  (Wilderness Level 50+)

Just west of the Mage Bank and Wilderness Agility course, there are three Runite rocks. Although this location is the deepest in the wilderness, it is much easier to escape at the Mage Bank


F2P 1-99 method

Unfortunately, as The Dig Site quest is only available for members, completing Doric’s quest is the only option for a quick boost. It is still recommended, as it can boost your Mining level straight to 10.

Remember that the Rune pickaxe is the best pickaxe available. It is suggested to drop all obtained ores to achieve faster experience gains.

Levels 1-15: Copper/Tin Ore

If you are following the P2P guide mentioned earlier, then it is recommended to start mining just south of Lumbridge. Mine either copper or tin, and drop the ores for faster experience. Banking the ores is not worth it unless you have an Ironman account.

Levels 15-99: Iron Ore

To train your mining skills as quickly as possible in F2P, the most efficient method is power mining iron ore. Banking the ores will considerably reduce your experience gain, so it’s only advisable if you need the extra cash.

For power mining, it’s recommended to use a spot with three ore rocks in the same tile. The Al Kharid mine is the best location for this, but beware of level 14 Scorpions that are aggressive towards lower-level players.

OSRS F2P Iron Location

OSRS F2P Iron Card

If you want to sell the ores, you can also check out other locations such as the Varrock Mines (East or West), the Falador Mine, or the Rimmington Mine. However, the effort is not worth the reward, and dropping your ores is a better option for faster training.



Congratulations on achieving level 99 Mining! You’ve likely earned a significant amount of money or are simply relieved to have completed this skill. Either way, well done!

To purchase your Mining skillcape, head to Gadrin just outside the Mining Guild and pay 99,000 coins. While wearing the skill cape, you’ll enjoy a 5% higher chance of mining duplicate ores up to Adamant level, which stacks with any other bonuses you may have.

Mining cape - OSRS Wiki