Elden Ring

How to Use Bewitching Branch Elden Ring to Overcome Challenges:

Bewitching Branch is a highly useful item in Elden Ring that can help you overcome curses, restore HP, and temporarily boost your stats. Knowing how to use Bewitching Branch effectively can make a significant difference in your gameplay experience.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about how to use Bewitching Branch Elden Ring. From obtaining and equipping it, to using it to overcome challenges, our comprehensive guide will help you become a master of this essential item. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of Bewitching Branch in Elden Ring!


What is the Bewitching Branch?

The Bewitching Branch is an item in Elden Ring that can be used to overcome curses, restore HP, and temporarily boost your stats. It is an essential tool for any player looking to survive and thrive in the game.

How to Use Bewitching Branch Elden Ring

The Bewitching Branch can be obtained in several ways. One way is to find it in various locations throughout the game, such as in chests or by defeating enemies. Another way is to purchase it from certain vendors in exchange for souls. Keep in mind that the Bewitching Branch is a rare item, so it may take some time and effort to acquire it.

Once you have the Bewitching Branch in your possession, you can use it to your advantage in a variety of ways. In the following sections, we will explore how to equip and use Bewitching Branch effectively.


How to Get the Bewitching Branch:

There are several ways to obtain the Bewitching Branch in Elden Ring. One way is through exploration. The Bewitching Branch can be found hidden in various locations throughout the game world. Be sure to thoroughly explore each area to increase your chances of finding it.

How to Get the Bewitching Branch

Another way to obtain the Bewitching Branch is by defeating enemies. Some enemies drop the item when defeated, so be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities to take them down.

Finally, players can purchase the Bewitching Branch from certain merchants using souls. This is a reliable way to acquire the item, but keep in mind that it may be expensive, especially in the early stages of the game.

To increase your chances of finding the Bewitching Branch, it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings and be thorough in your exploration.

Check every nook and cranny of each area and be on the lookout for hidden paths or objects that may contain the item. Additionally, consider using items such as the Homeward Bone or the Hunter’s Mark to quickly teleport to previously explored areas and search them more efficiently. By being persistent and methodical in your search, you can increase your chances of acquiring the Bewitching Branch.


How to Equip the Bewitching Branch:

Equipping the Bewitching Branch is a simple process in Elden Ring. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open your inventory: Press the “Options” button on your controller or the corresponding button on your keyboard to open your inventory.
  2. Navigate to the Bewitching Branch: Use the left stick or arrow keys to navigate to the Bewitching Branch in your inventory.
  3. Select the Bewitching Branch: Highlight the Bewitching Branch and press the “X” button on your controller or the corresponding button on your keyboard to select it.
  4. Choose the equipment slot: Choose the equipment slot where you want to equip the Bewitching Branch. It can be equipped in either the left or right hand slot.
  5. Equip the Bewitching Branch: Press the “X” button on your controller or the corresponding button on your keyboard to equip the Bewitching Branch in the selected slot.

That’s it! Once you’ve equipped the Bewitching Branch, you’re ready to use it to your advantage in the game. Keep in mind that you can only equip one Bewitching Branch at a time. If you want to switch to a different item, simply unequip the Bewitching Branch and replace it with the desired item.


How to Use the Bewitching Branch:

The Bewitching Branch is a versatile item in Elden Ring that can be used in a variety of ways. Here’s a guide on how to use the Bewitching Branch to remove curses, restore HP, and temporarily boost stats.

  1. Removing Curses: When your character becomes cursed in the game, it can cause a range of negative effects, such as reduced health, decreased damage output, and slower movement speed. To remove a curse, equip the Bewitching Branch and use it by pressing the corresponding button on your controller or keyboard. This will remove the curse and restore your character’s health to its previous level.
  2. Restoring HP: The Bewitching Branch can also be used to restore health. Simply equip the item and use it to heal your character. This is especially useful in the middle of a battle when you’re low on health and need to restore it quickly.
  3. Temporarily Boosting Stats: The Bewitching Branch can also be used to temporarily boost your character’s stats. When used, the item will grant a boost to your character’s stamina and defense for a short period of time. This can be useful when facing a tough enemy or boss.

How to Use the Bewitching Branch

To use the Bewitching Branch in any of these ways, simply equip the item and use it by pressing the corresponding button on your controller or keyboard. Keep in mind that the effects of the item are temporary, so use it strategically to maximize its benefits. Additionally, it’s important to note that you can only use the Bewitching Branch a limited number of times, so use it wisely.


Crafting the Bewitching Branch:

Crafting the Bewitching Branch is a great way to obtain this useful item if you haven’t been able to find it through exploration or defeating enemies. Here’s a guide on how to craft the Bewitching Branch in Elden Ring.

  1. Required Materials: To craft the Bewitching Branch, you will need the following materials:
  • 1x Green Blossom
  • 1x Large Titanite Shard
  • 1x Pale Tongue
  1. Finding the Materials: Green Blossoms can be purchased from merchants in various locations throughout the game, or they can be found by exploring the environment. Large Titanite Shards can be obtained by defeating certain enemies or found in various areas. Finally, Pale Tongues can be obtained by defeating specific enemies or found in hidden locations.
  2. Crafting the Bewitching Branch: Once you have collected all the required materials, head to a blacksmith in the game to craft the Bewitching Branch. Choose the option to “Craft Item” and select the Bewitching Branch from your inventory. This will consume the required materials and create the item for you to use.

Keep in mind that crafting the Bewitching Branch requires some preparation, as you need to find and collect the required materials before you can craft it. However, crafting the item can be a great option if you’re having trouble finding it through exploration or defeating enemies. Additionally, it’s important to note that crafting the Bewitching Branch may require some currency, so make sure you have enough souls or other in-game currency to cover the cost.


Tips for Using the Bewitching Branch Effectively:

Knowing how to use the Bewitching Branch effectively can make a big difference in your gameplay experience in Elden Ring. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this useful item.

  1. Conserve It: The Bewitching Branch is a limited resource, so it’s important to conserve it for when you really need it. Make sure to only use it when necessary, such as when you’re cursed, low on health, or need a temporary stat boost.
  2. Use It Strategically: The Bewitching Branch can be used in a variety of ways, so it’s important to use it strategically based on the situation you’re in. For example, if you’re cursed, use it to remove the curse. If you’re low on health, use it to restore your HP. If you need a temporary stat boost, use it for that purpose.
  3. Know When to Use It: The best times to use the Bewitching Branch will depend on the situation you’re in. For example, if you’re exploring a new area, it might be a good idea to save the Bewitching Branch for later in case you encounter a tough enemy or get cursed. On the other hand, if you’re in the middle of a boss fight, using the Bewitching Branch to boost your stats could give you the edge you need to come out on top.
  4. Combine It with Other Items: The Bewitching Branch can be combined with other items to create even more powerful effects. For example, combining it with a Fire Gem can create a weapon that deals fire damage, while combining it with a Soul of a Great Hero can create a powerful spell.

By following these tips, you can use the Bewitching Branch more effectively and make the most of this useful item in Elden Ring.


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Bewitching Branch:

While the Bewitching Branch can be a helpful item in Elden Ring, there are also some potential drawbacks to using it. Here are some advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind when using the Bewitching Branch.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Bewitching Branch


  1. Removes Curses: One of the main advantages of the Bewitching Branch is that it can remove curses. This can be extremely helpful if you’re exploring an area with a lot of cursed enemies or if you’re cursed yourself.
  2. Restores HP: The Bewitching Branch can also be used to restore your health, which can be a lifesaver if you’re low on HP and don’t have any healing items left.
  3. Boosts Stats: Another advantage of the Bewitching Branch is that it can temporarily boost your stats, making you more powerful in combat.


  1. Limited Uses: The Bewitching Branch is a limited resource, so it’s important to use it wisely. If you use it too early or too often, you may run out of it before you really need it.
  2. Takes Up Inventory Space: The Bewitching Branch takes up an inventory slot, which can be a problem if you’re already carrying a lot of items. This can be especially frustrating if you find a new item you want to pick up but don’t have any space left.
  3. Can Be a Crutch: While the Bewitching Branch can be helpful in certain situations, relying on it too much can be a crutch. If you’re constantly using it to get through tough areas or boss fights, you may be missing out on the satisfaction of overcoming those challenges on your own.

Overall, the Bewitching Branch can be both helpful and hindering depending on the situation. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages and using it strategically, you can make the most of this useful item in Elden Ring.


Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Bewitching Branch:

While the Bewitching Branch can be an incredibly helpful item in Elden Ring, there are some common mistakes that players can make when using it. Here are a few to be aware of:

  1. Using it at the wrong time: One of the biggest mistakes players make is using the Bewitching Branch at the wrong time. For example, using it to restore HP when only a small amount of health is missing or using it to boost stats when there are no enemies nearby. To avoid this mistake, be sure to consider the situation before using the Bewitching Branch.
  2. Forgetting to replenish it: Another mistake players make is forgetting to replenish their Bewitching Branch supply. This can leave them without a useful item when they need it most. To avoid this mistake, be sure to regularly check your inventory and restock when necessary.
  3. Not knowing how to use it: Some players may not fully understand how to use the Bewitching Branch and end up wasting it or not using it at all. Be sure to read through the instructions and practice using it before relying on it in a tough situation.
  4. Using it as a crutch: While the Bewitching Branch can be incredibly helpful, relying on it too heavily can hinder a player’s progress. It’s important to still work on improving combat skills and strategies in addition to using the Bewitching Branch.

By avoiding these common mistakes, players can make the most of their Bewitching Branch and avoid potential setbacks in their gameplay.