Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Name: Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition

Publishers: Rockstar Games

Developers: Rockstar Toronto

Genres: Action, Adventure

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Released: 2010-10-27


Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition

<strong>PLEASE NOTE: Microsoft no longer supports creating Games for Windows-LIVE accounts within Grand Theft Auto IV. You can create an account through and then log into your account in game. </strong><br/><br/>This standalone retail title spans three distinct stories, interwoven to create one of the most unique and engaging single-player experiences of this generation.<br/><br/> This definitive Grand Theft Auto bundle boasts hundreds of hours of single-player gameplay; a full suite of open-world multiplayer game types limited only by players’ creativity; dozens of eclectic radio stations with hours of music and original dialogue

Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition Screenshots:

Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
